Friday, 5 April 2013
Here's Why Facebook Home Won't Revolutionize Mobile Anytime Soon
For the subject of such a big event, Facebook Home comes off as something less than the revolution in the mobile computing experience that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised.
Home, available on a new HTC phone and for download to a half-dozen other HTC and Samsung phones starting April 12, is a suite of Facebook apps that will load as soon as the phone is turned on. It provides a new Facebook-focused home screen that puts instant messages, news feed updates, and photos front and center on the smartphone home screen.
Zuckerberg certainly turned on the vision thing, talking about “seeing the world through people, not apps” and creating “the most empowered generation of people in history.” It’s not a bad way to frame Facebook Home, which not only looks pretty slick but also does indeed put updates, photos, and messages from your friends front and center in the smartphone experience.
And it’s true that despite concerns that this might result in even more social network overload, or Facebook fatigue, if Facebook is where you nearly always start using and continue to use Facebook constantly throughout the day on your phone, Facebook Home may be just what you want. If you want every other app on your phone out of the way of your Facebook experience, Home accomplishes that with style.
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