Radiation therapy since tried to cool a nuclear power plant they challenged the earthquake, the government has planted the seeds of workers in the confusion over whether the expanded evacuation zones, the Friday after burned escalating fears in Japan
Prime Minister Naoto Kan, making his first official statement a week crisis, the situation is worse in the north of Tokyo, Fukushima nuclear power complex, but there have been solved "points far "has been described as.
"We have made efforts to prevent it from getting worse, we feel that can not be satisfied," he told reporters. "We must continue to be vigilant."
Including comments on the nuclear crisis was caused by a devastating earthquake and tsunami two weeks ago, that reflect the slow spike in unrest in Japan after a few days but steadily.
More than 10,000 people died, 17 500 are still missing in case of disaster. However, even these numbers are only 250 kilometers of the crisis devastating potential Fukushima (150 miles) north of Tokyo has been hidden.
The government has many thousands of people living in km 30-20 over zones complex stricken left (miles 18-12) have caught the number, it is expanding the zone evacuation Small argued that there was no .
While China, two Japanese tourists who arrived in the country, said he has found that very high levels of radiation.
Uncertainty surrounding the radiation source
Workers, three are trying to cool one of the reactor's most important factories, the radiation levels 10,000 times, and were exposed to higher than normal, from the core radioactive for crack leaked official could not say whether coming
Destruction of nuclear reactors, including slow progress on leaks, which means following a significant reversal.
The reactor, the third six, but more toxic than uranium used in other reactors, just use the plutonium fuel mix.
The government called for a thorough investigation into why the sudden rise had come to light, such as radiation.
Working in shifts around the clock to stabilize the plant more than 700 engineers, when pulled from the injured workers back to their several parts. Wed radioactive after soaked boots, two men suffered radiation burns.
"10,000 times the amount of contaminated water has had radiation, and is found in the circulating water from the reactor is operating normally," Hidehiko Nishiyama, Japan Atomic Energy Agency official said.
"It might have damaged a nuclear reactor."
However, Nishiyama, reporters afterwards: "It might be coming from the operation of the event, but there may be some water leakage from pipes or valves, there are no data to suggest cracks.
"I do not pressure vessels and container ships, we have water, radioactive as crack're not sure exactly what came from where, and have given the physical damage I do not think -. The spent fuel pool and reactor"
Hideo Morimoto, director of the Agency for Natural Resources, in the case of the reactor was in a serious said.
"I have the pressure vessel, or radiation leaks to the far more seriously, if you feel you are broken," he said.
UN nuclear agency IAEA, since the operation began, a total of 17 people said that radiation levels had been rising in Fukushima Prefecture, the other 14, said not get burned.
Like radiation
Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, General Administration of China, two travelers arrived in the eastern city of Wuxi from Tokyo, to others that they have high levels of radiation present a risk said OK.
"The test showed that exceeds the limit of two visitors seriously," it says in a statement.
Until now, stricken in Japan except for factory workers Everybody Japanese Foreign Ministry has been found in radiation levels rose to seriously on March 18, Association of International Civil Aviation, the screening of airline passengers from Japan pointed out that it was declared that nothing was required.
Japan's chief cabinet secretary, was difficult to supply in his area, but it was not evacuation order, but insisted it 13 million people living in Fukushima Prefecture, around the outer circle, the left said should be considered.
"Given that situation and how prolonged, we voluntarily to people I think should be evacuated to meet social needs," said Yukio.
With a focus on Japan nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, 20 (12 miles) kilometers evacuated zone. Hundred thousand people left their homes seven.
枝野 is to expand the evacuation zone, an official of the Ministry of current needed to maintain the area 30 kilometers (18 miles) northwest plants, check the radiation levels of the day because they exceeded the annual limit was.
Despite increasing reports of radiation, some progress has been made, including the crisis in Fukushima.
Two of the reactors was shut down cold, now called, is considered safe. With smoke and steam four regularly but remain uncertain, the work is proceeding to restart the water pump needed to cool the nuclear reactor fuel rods in them.
The United States provides assistance to its allies in Japan, 525 000 gallons of water for cooling the reactor vessel along with two of them (2.0 million liters) is provided.
However, the rise in the broad public ignorance of radiation specialist, has spread the alarm.
Shipping milk and vegetables from the area around the plant population of 130,000 in Tokyo have stopped, giving water to babies after contamination from rain, the level of radiation safety once was said that this week should place.
It drank water purification plant in front of the camera in the water level fell gay governor a safe city for the next day.
Experts, and medical flights for radiation leaks from the plant say that X is below the level of exposure from the center line.
Nevertheless, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, U.S., food and milk are imported from the zone with all restrictions in Hong Kong. Other countries are screened Japanese, German shipping, you can simply avoid the state.
In northern Japan, which has displaced more than a quarter million people. Rescuers retrieved the body is still tired, pull out the photos for the comfort of the survivors, remains of towns and villages is a sieve.
In agony, but there was a sense that Japan was the humanitarian crisis around the corner. Assistance, refugee flows to the mobile phone, electricity, banking services, but also a means of ad hoc post, began returning to the north.
Small business owners began cleaning the grounds of the worst affected areas.
He will clean the coffee Kariya family of rubble, "everyone in this block is the belief that to bring this thing again, they are" Kariya Maro, said in the city of Kamaishi.
300000000000 Dollar Damage is estimated from the earthquake and is the most expensive natural disaster in this world. Supply interruptions, which affect the automotive technology, anxiety about the crisis in global financial markets in Japan are settled
But Nishiyama later told reporters: "It could be from venting operations and there could be some water leakage from pipes or from valves, but there is no data suggesting a crack.
"I do not believe the container vessel or the pressure vessel have physical damage, like cracks. We do not know clearly where the radioactive water came from -- the reactor or the spent fuel pool."
Hideo Morimoto, director at the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, said the incident at the reactor was not serious.
"I feel if the pressure vessel has been seriously damaged, then far more radiation would have leaked," he said.
U.N. nuclear watchdog IAEA said a total of 17 workers had received elevated levels of radiation at Fukushima since the operations began, but said the other 14 did not suffer burns.
China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said two travellers who arrived in the eastern city of Wuxi from Tokyo were found to have high levels of radiation although they presented no risk to others.
"Tests showed that the two travellers seriously exceeded the limit," it said in a statement.
Until now, no one in Japan except workers at the stricken plant has been found with seriously elevated radiation levels, and Japan's foreign ministry noted that as of March 18 the International Civil Aviation Association had declared that screening of airline passengers from Japan was not necessary.
Japan's chief cabinet secretary said 130,000 people living in an outer circle around Fukushima should consider leaving, although he insisted it was because getting supplies to the region was difficult and it was not an evacuation order.
"Given how prolonged the situation has become, we think it would be desirable for people to voluntarily evacuate in order to meet their social needs," Yukio Edano said.
Japan evacuated a 20-km (12-mile) zone around the Fukushima nuclear plant after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Seventy thousand people left their homes.
Edano has maintained there was no need currently to expand the evacuation zone, but an official at the Science Ministry confirmed that daily radiation levels in an area 30 km (18 miles) northwest of the plant had exceeded the annual limit.
Despite the increased radiation reports, there has been some progress in containing the crisis at Fukushima.
Two of the reactors are now regarded as safe in what is called a cold shutdown. Four remain volatile, emitting steam and smoke periodically, but work is advancing to restart water pumps needed to cool fuel rods inside those reactors.
The United States has been offering aid to its ally Japan, and two of its barges will together provide 525,000 gallons (2.0 million litres) of water for cooling the reactors.
But heightened by widespread public ignorance of the technicalities of radiation, alarm has spread.
Vegetable and milk shipments from the areas near the plant have been stopped, and Tokyo's 13 million residents were told this week not to give tap water to babies after contamination from rain put radiation at twice the safety level.
It dropped back to safe levels the next day, and the city governor cheerily drank water in front of cameras at a water purifying plant.
Experts say radiation leaking from the plant is still mainly below levels of exposure from flights or medical x-rays.
Nevertheless, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, the United States and Hong Kong are all restricting food and milk imports from the zone. Other nations are screening Japanese food, and German shipping lines simply avoiding the nation.
In Japan's north, more than a quarter of a million people are in shelters. Exhausted rescuers are still sifting through the wreckage of towns and villages, retrieving bodies and pulling out photos for the consolation of survivors.
Amid the suffering, though, there was a sense that Japan was turning the corner in its humanitarian crisis. Aid flowed to refugees, and phone, electricity, postal and bank services began returning to the north, albeit sometimes by makeshift means.
Owners of small businesses began cleaning up their premises in the worst-hit areas.
"Everybody on this block has the firm belief that they are going to bring this thing back again," said Maro Kariya in the town of Kamaishi, as he cleaned the family-owned Kariya Coffee of debris.
The estimated $300 billion damage from the quake and tsunami makes this the world's costliest natural disaster. Global financial market jitters over Japan's crisis have calmed, though supply disruptions are affecting the automobile and technology
Keyword:sunami jappan,radiation fukkushima palant,atomic,plant radiation,japan radiation,injured people,news,breaking news,live news,tsunami jappan,eathquake
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