Wednesday, 12 August 2009


Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended


All over out come to a revolutionary Photoshop CS4 Extended Photoshop CS4 new features, a fluid user experience, and the unrivaled power of Photoshop to improve the use of 'Yes, yes, for a more convenient user interface controls and said that the new nondestructive editing features are in, You, yes, yes, including new masks and adjustments panels highlighted New and revolutionary Content -, Advanced Auto scaling is realized that the combination extends the depth of field, and the industry's leading editing and compositing-color Yes Yes reengineered productivity improvement tool to promote and you Yes, yes, today's fastest graphics processor enable the power of the impact of increased flexibility to provide 3D editing and compositing capabilities and success as a dramatic video for the Yes on their creative control options to expand with the improvement in Volume growth and counting tools, as well as DICOM images and MATLA

MATLABprocessing routines Yes No support for a comprehensive image analysis with

New and enhanced features Photoshop CS4 Photoshop CS4 Extended
Unrivaled editing
Adjustments panel for live, nondestructive image adjustment –Yes- Yes
Editing, wings, density - to make the control panel Yes- Yes masks masks
Content - scaling feeling Yes- yes
Combination of increased auto images Yes- Yes
Auto alignment of the grown layers Yes- Yes
360 degree panoramas -yes-yes
extended depth of field -yes-yes
Better raw image processing- Yes -Yes
refining increased Specialist -yes-yes
The increase in productivity
Smooth panning and zooming and fluid canvas rotation- Yes -Yes
Industry-reengineered Dodge,

Color Burn with major improvements, and a sponge- Yes Yes
Efficient new Adobe Bridge CS4 with file management -Yes- Yes
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - yes- yes

tight integration with
Adobe Kulerfor color harmony and create a sharing -Yes -Yes
And many view the document ---Yes-Yes
More powerful printing options- Yes- Yes
Superior performance on very large images - Yes -Yes
Multi-touch support on Mac laptops Yes- Yes
Adobe Community Help -Yes- Yes
Success, 3D, motion graphics, and image analysis
Direct painting on 3D objects- No- Yes
to a 3 D Easy conversion from 2d ---Yes
Edit 3D properties (scene, materials, meshes, lights) No- Yes
High quality output with new ray - tracing rendering engine-Yes- No
2d and 3D image compositing- No -Yes
3D object animation- No- Yes
3D/video not support -Yes
New, high performance, nonmodal 3D engine- Yes -No
Volume rendering ---------- Yes- No
editing of motion graphics, single-key shortcuts for –Yes-No
Preview and export audio content and frame comments- No- Yes
Quantitative data extraction –Yes-No
Enhanced calculation tool- Yes- No
More use of a RAM 64 - bit version of Windows and a 64-bit capable computer is required.

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