The excessive prolongation of the visa with l' writer bangladaise discussed Taslima Nasreen, a d' federation;islam organizations in l' west of Bengal aujourd' today threatened a country d' agitation. Taslima doubling like a “enemy of l' islam" , the president of Milli Ittehad Parishad, Haji Abdul Aziz said here decision to create disorders of the country. " The decision wounded the feelings of the isalms in India and that if it is reversed, we will launch an agitation of the country to force the government to grant to our requirements, " All India minority Forum warned president Idris Ali. Ali said l' extension of visa of Taslima s' raised with " insulter" l' Islam. The Center prolonged the visa of l' yesterday; six month old author jusqu' at February 16. Taslima, which drew in notoriety with its book discussed “Lajja” in 1993, was the target of fundamentalist Islamic. It was turned over to India recently to ask l' extension of its visa and it now domiciled with an unknown destination.
isalm islam isalm
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