care more for this that you want than you care for me. benham thought of it. i suppose i
do, he said. what is it that you want? still i don t understand. her voice had the break of
one who would keep reasonable in spite of pain. i ought to tell you. yes, you ought to tell
me. i wonder if i can tell you, he said very thoughtfully, and rested his hands on his hips. i
shall seem ridiculous to you. you ought to tell me. i think what i want is to be king of the
world. she stood quite still staring at him. i do not know haw i can tell you of it. amanda,
do you remember those bodies you saw those bodies those mutilated men? 191 i saw them,
said amanda. well. is it nothing to you that those things happen? they must happen. no.
they happen because there are no kings but pitiful kings. they happen because the kings
love their amandas and do not care. but what can you do, cheetah? very little. but i can
give my life and all my strength. i can give alii can give. but how? how can you help it
help things like that massacre? i can do my utmost to find out what is wrong with my
world and rule it and set it right. you! alone, other men do as much. every one who does
so helps others to do so. you see in this world one may wake in the night and one may
resolve to be a king, and directly one has resolved one is a king. does that sound
foolishness to you? anyhow, it s fair that i should tell you, though you count me a fool.
this this kingship this dream of the night is my life. it is the very core of me. much more
than you are. more than anything else can be. i mean to be a king in this earth. king. i m
not mad. I see the world staggering from misery to misery and there is little wisdom, less
rule, folly, prejudice, limitation, the good things come by chance and the evil things
recover and slay them, and it is my world aud i am responsible. every man to whom this
light has come is responsible. as soon as this light comes to you, as soon as your kingship is
plain to you, there is no more rest, no peace, no delight, except in work, in service, in
utmost effort. as far as i can do it i will rule my world,